Partners - Harita - Manufacturing support PDF Print E-mail

Harita Resources

Natural Innovation is partnering with Harita who have expertise in bringing products to manufacture in India. They will help the innovators that we are working with to select appropriate manufacturers and act as the eyes and ears at the factory to make sure that promises of quality, and delivery times are met.


Once a product has been designed and refined, it has to be made. Its manufacture needs to be consistent, and needs to smoothly scale from the first test run, up to the thousands, or tens of thousands of items that will be needed if it is to have an impact on poverty and sustainability.


They are not only comfortable with manufacture across a wide variety of technology and scale, but have the personal commitment to sustainability and poverty alleviation that comes from a total of over 40 years living and working in India.






Last Updated on Saturday, 14 May 2011 16:49

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