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Two of the projects we've been working with are now listed in this year's Buckminster Fuller ideas index. MinVayu - low cost wind for the underserved Is training village mechanics to assemble and install ...
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
2. Engineering collaborators
(About Us/News)
... For Change, and have also attended the BERC conference, and spoken to EWB Australia. At the moment we are looking for engineering volunteers to work with Mike on the MinVayu project, we need people with ...
Tuesday, 03 January 2012
... on and most places have water, roads are open to motorbikes, and some to cars, and one or two places with generators, solar or wind, have power &/or internet. I'm here to work with MinVayu (see below), ...
Monday, 02 January 2012
The MinVayu project announced in the last newsletter, is moving along well, although its been set back by losing its workshop in Cyclone Thane, and Mitra will be with them in India until the end of January ...
Saturday, 31 December 2011
The highlight of the last few months has been working with MinVayu. MinVayu's founder, Jorge Ayarza is an US/Ecuadorian wind expert, based in Auroville India who has come up with an interesting analysis. ...
Saturday, 24 September 2011
I've been helping an Indian based Ecuadorian - Jorge Ayarza to develop his idea to train a network of village mechanics to build, install and maintain small wind turbines. He's using an open-source design, ...
Thursday, 24 March 2011

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