Needs for financial resources

We like to match our technology partners up with appropriate financial resources. These could include:

  • Grant funding to enable the completion of a prototype, or production of documentation and training materials to allow for dissemination of an idea. It could also involve funds to pay for resources e.g. legal, that we aren't able to support with volunteers.
  • Working capital is needed in some cases to allow operations to happen at scale, for example component purchases.
  • Micro-finance is needed where the people who need the technology do not have cash available to purchase it, but where there are savings that allow for repayments over time. For example because of reduced kerosene needs for lighting.

Below are current requirements of our partners, but we would also like to build connections with partners who can assist in any of the ways listed above.

Investment Opportunity - Urban Ecological Systems PDF Print E-mail

UES has just completed a sale of its first commercial scale integrated organic horticulture & aquaculture system which will be built in Sydney. The deal involves a AUD $3.5m (US$2.75) investment.

Having secured this sale, UES has completed its transition from being an R&D company to being a trading company.

It is currently raising an additional AUD $750,000 (US$685k) in capital, principally for international marketing and increasing its capacity to service sales. UES is only accepting investment from either current UES Ltd investors, international or sophisticated investors; ie those investors who understand the risks and have the means to make significant investments and who meet the ASIC definition for ‘sophisticated Investor’.

Last Updated on Sunday, 01 May 2011 14:59


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