Our Partners and Network

Natural Innovation .org works with innovators who have great ideas that have a potential to scale to have a significant impact on poverty or the environment. Most of the innovations we work with are focused on developing countries, and many of the innovators are based there.

We work with these innovators to help them bring the idea to realisation, by de-risking (for example creating a prototype, or testing a market) and then scaling.

We link innovators with resources - including grants; volunteers (especially technical); debt and strategic partners.

Some of the innovators and innovations we are working on appear here.

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# Article Title Hits
1 Innovation: SunPulse Water - solar thermal water pump 19903
2 Innovators - Getting involved 6345

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If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and he'll overfish -- anon

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